On tonights show we will be airing "911 Truth" as presented by Webster Tarpely, author of "Synthetic Terror" www.tarpley.net/
We taped Webster Tarpley's lecture at the University of Washington HUB Auditorium building during his last visist to Seattle in March of 2006. Tarpely breaks down the various theories of 911 from LIPHOP (Let It Happen on Purpose ) to MIHOP (Made It Happen on Purpose) as well as the players, dupes, patsies and agents. He reveals astonishing information not known to many about how September 11th, 2001 was the "Day of Drills" in which the U.S. Governmnent conducted dozens of drills that paralelled and the events of that fateful day.
He offers up credible documentation and information during the presentation and in his book and in the end challenges you the viewer to take his information and investigate it for yourself.
He also believes that the truth about what happened on September 11th is the single most important issue today that can unify the polarized masses on both the left and right of the political spectrum because 911 Truth is a ground where we can all meet in search of answers and the truth and perhaps realize we have all been duped by our government but also that we have far more in common than we realize.