Thursday, April 13, 2006

SJTV Guests for Friday April 14th are Alliance for Democracy

This week SJTV is pleased to be speaking with members of a new nationwide grassroots organization called Alliance for Democracy whose stated goal is to end Corporate Domination of our economy, our government, our culture, our media and the environment. One of their stated Political Party Platforms is to Abolish Corporate Personhood.

We at SJTV feel this is a key battle that can and must be fought and won by ordinary citizens and affects all sectors of society and is one of the most insidious social ills of modern society in the USA and abroad. If we are ever to reclaim our democracy we must purge our political and social institutions of corporate control and influence and put corporations back in their rightful which is to serve the people and not the reverse. People over profit must come first. For more information check out their website