Local members of World Can't Wait.org will join us to talk about their new Nov 2nd initative to begin bulding a resistance movement that can Drive Out the Bush Regime!!! Checkout their website and sign their call.
19 Days Until the Beginning of the End of the Bush Regime! Wednesday November 2, we launch a movement to Drive OUT this regime!
Friends: There is new reason every day that Bush and his whole crew should be driven from office. Bob Herbert, in the New York Times yesterday, referred to them as a "regime" and excoriated Bush for relentlessly punishing the victims in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. While the evidence piles up, the moment for us to act is NOW.
New Air America Radio Ads Resume Nationally Monday October 17...Funds Needed Immediately! In addition to the ad recorded by Jessica Blank, creator of "The Exonerated" for stage and HBO which ran last week, Boots Riley of The Coup, Koba of Kontrast, and Suheir Hammad, a poet nationally known from Def Poetry Jam on HBO have recorded ads that will run every hour next week on Air America.
With the Bush Regime engaging in new outrages every day, with our new website, and more plans being announced every day for November 2, the new ads will be even more influential and even more urgently necessary to make November 2 the mass repudiation of the Bush Regime that we need. We have plans to advertise on Comedy Central before November 2, which will take hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your donation -- and that of the friends you forward this email to -- will take responsibility for making this happen.
World Can't Wait Encampment at the White House: Today, October 14 The World Can't Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime is establishing an ENCAMPMENT in Lafayette park in front of the White House to serve notice that November 2, 2005 marks the beginning of the end of the Bush regime. The Countdown Encampment will bring in a rotating and growing crew - national voices of conscience-who will speak out on about why this regime must go. Over the 20 days, they will introduce themes that include: NO Theocracy; NO Genocide (a salute to the October 14/15 Millions More gathering on the Mall); NO Intolerance (a celebration of gay marriage); NO Forced Motherhood; NO Suppression of Science & Destruction of the Environment, and more. (schedule TBA). A Counter-Briefing will be held on-site everyday day at noon, where World Can't Wait representatives will deliver The Reason of the Day to drive out the Bush regime. Watch for webcast! "Join us! "in Washington through November 2.
We urge you to support and attend the first session of:
The 2005 International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration of the United States
"When the possibility of far-reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity exists, people of conscience have a solemn responsibility to inquire into the nature and scope of these acts and to determine if they do in fact rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity."
Friday, October 21, 6 pm, and Saturday, October 22, 10 am in the Grand Ballroom of the Manhattan Center, 311 W. 34th Street, New York City
World Can't Wait(WCW), I think, is making a tactical error. The focus on driving out the Bush "regime" is misguided. The people is in the interviewer question, "reactive".
WCW is reactive and does not offer a tactical approach that can be build organizational strength. In other words what does WCW offer to replace Bush -- the Democrats!
In fact since the Democrats are so weak and ineffective an alternative to Bush this would be a great time for WCW to fill in the vacuum left by the Democrats.
WCW should educate people why the Democrats is also a regime in need of replacing and offer up some counterpoints that can be use to build organizational strength rather than just be a protest group.
The way WCW is currently configured once Bush is out of office WCW effectively has no reason for the members to remain cohesive. WCW will effectively weaken and disband with many of her members running to the Democrats when elections occur in 06 and 08.
In addition, electorial politics has its place in push ideas and agendas. The problem is that people are wasting their time trying to push ideas through the ossified Democratic party. The time is now when people can organized around ideas that are outside of the Democrats and offer candidates that can directly challenge the two-party duopoly.
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