On this weeks edition of SJTV we will be rep;aying two interviews we had last year with the Reverend Rich Lang of Trinity United Methodist Church www.tumseattle.org on the subject of Christian Fascism. Rev. Lan has written a booklet and is currentlky working on a book on the Rise of Chrsitian Fascism.
Other good resoiurces on the subject are "With God on Their Side" by Ester Kaplan which documents the entry of Christian Fundamentalism into the modern era of politics.
Lawrence Britts The 14 Characteristics of Fascism
Independent Progressive Media for Activists. SJTV-"Where Ordinary People Become the Media".
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
October 26th, 2006 Edition OF SJTV
On this edition of Social Justice Television we will be speaking with Green Party Senatorial Candidate Aaron Dixon discussing his views on Election Finance Reform, Third Party Politics and his 30 year career as an activist for Social Justice. http://www.dixon4senate.com/
We will also discuss his arrest at King 5 Studios and why he was excluded from the King 5 Televised Candidates Debate. You can read more about it at the following links
WA Green Party Candidate Arrested at KING 5
Aaron Dixon and the Politics of Debate Exclusion
Arrested Democracy: Trying to Ignore Aaron Dixon
According to FCC regululations TV Stations are required to provided equal access to Political candidates in debates and to provide public with content that serves the "public interest".
According to Aaron Dixon Campaign Manager Jesse Hagopian, Aaron Dixon was excluded from the debates strictly on the basis of him not meeting the financial requirement of having 1 million dollars in his campaign fund despite the fact that has actually rasied more money that the libertarian candidate and polled higher BEFORE that candidate lent himself One Million dollars to be included in the debates.
If you are outraged by this you can contact King 5 Studios at :
Mailing Address
KING 5 Television
333 Dexter Ave. N
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: 206-448-5555
or call their corporate offices and speak to CONTACT: Carey Hendrickson, vice president-Investor Relations & Corporate
Communications of Belo Corp., +1-214-977-6626
King 5 's Broadcast License is up for renewal Februaruy 1, 2007 and based upon this incident the license should be challenged. You can get info about filing an FCC complaint at the following links ...
You can also contact the FCC to file a complaint against King5 for violating a candidates "political speech" equal access right.
We will also discuss his arrest at King 5 Studios and why he was excluded from the King 5 Televised Candidates Debate. You can read more about it at the following links
WA Green Party Candidate Arrested at KING 5
Aaron Dixon and the Politics of Debate Exclusion
Arrested Democracy: Trying to Ignore Aaron Dixon
According to FCC regululations TV Stations are required to provided equal access to Political candidates in debates and to provide public with content that serves the "public interest".
According to Aaron Dixon Campaign Manager Jesse Hagopian, Aaron Dixon was excluded from the debates strictly on the basis of him not meeting the financial requirement of having 1 million dollars in his campaign fund despite the fact that has actually rasied more money that the libertarian candidate and polled higher BEFORE that candidate lent himself One Million dollars to be included in the debates.
If you are outraged by this you can contact King 5 Studios at :
Mailing Address
KING 5 Television
333 Dexter Ave. N
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: 206-448-5555
or call their corporate offices and speak to CONTACT: Carey Hendrickson, vice president-Investor Relations & Corporate
Communications of Belo Corp., +1-214-977-6626
King 5 's Broadcast License is up for renewal Februaruy 1, 2007 and based upon this incident the license should be challenged. You can get info about filing an FCC complaint at the following links ...
Free Press - Challenging a License
Welcome to the FCC License Challenge Database.
Enter a City and State and click the 'Submit Query' button to see which broadcasters in your area may be up for license renewal soon.
FCC DBase - Broadcast License Renewal Filing & Expiration Dates
You can also contact the FCC to file a complaint against King5 for violating a candidates "political speech" equal access right.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
October 19th, 2006 Edition of SJTV
On todays Episode of SJTV we will hear from investigative reporter Greg Palast on Iraq, Voter Fraud and Blood For Oil and how the vote was not only stolen in 2004 but how the Republican party plans to steal more votes in the 2008 elections.
We will also see a video clip of a Security Demonstration conducted by Princeton University showing how Diebold Eletronic voting machines currently in use in most parts of the country can be hacked and infected with software that is designed to steal votes.
Before that we will start out with a video from Hip Hop Artist Talam Acey called True Lies!
A taste of the upcoming GNN doc, American Blackout
If GNN produced 60 Minutes, Taalam Acey would be our Andy Rooney.
A true guerrilla collaboration to give audiences a taste of what to expect from the soon to be released documentary, American Blackout directed by GNN’s Ian Inaba. Set to premiere at Sundance 2006 the feature length film follows the career of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and investigates the current tactics used to control our democratic process and silence political dissent. This piece originally inspired by the book of the same name, features Taalam Acey’s ever potent prose deftly matched by the animation of Haik Hoisington and scored to the music of another GNN ally, The Soulsavers.
Recommended Dosage: 3-4 views as needed. Best results if taken 30 minutes prior to television consumption.
CreditsPoem: Taalam Acey Animation: Haik Hoisington Music: The Soulsavers Editing: Ian Inaba Compositing: Anson Vogt Directed by: Ian Inaba and Anson Vogt
We will also see a video clip of a Security Demonstration conducted by Princeton University showing how Diebold Eletronic voting machines currently in use in most parts of the country can be hacked and infected with software that is designed to steal votes.
Before that we will start out with a video from Hip Hop Artist Talam Acey called True Lies!
A taste of the upcoming GNN doc, American Blackout
If GNN produced 60 Minutes, Taalam Acey would be our Andy Rooney.
A true guerrilla collaboration to give audiences a taste of what to expect from the soon to be released documentary, American Blackout directed by GNN’s Ian Inaba. Set to premiere at Sundance 2006 the feature length film follows the career of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and investigates the current tactics used to control our democratic process and silence political dissent. This piece originally inspired by the book of the same name, features Taalam Acey’s ever potent prose deftly matched by the animation of Haik Hoisington and scored to the music of another GNN ally, The Soulsavers.
Recommended Dosage: 3-4 views as needed. Best results if taken 30 minutes prior to television consumption.
CreditsPoem: Taalam Acey Animation: Haik Hoisington Music: The Soulsavers Editing: Ian Inaba Compositing: Anson Vogt Directed by: Ian Inaba and Anson Vogt
October 12th, 2006 Edition of SJTV
On This weeks episode we document the local World Can't Wait Protest at Seattle's Cal Anderson Park which was part of a larger nationwide series of protests that occured in over 235 cities. http://www.worldcantwait.net/
SJTV was on the scene when Seattle Police instigated an incident with a group of self described anarchists youth. The Police claim they had intercepted intelligence on Seattle indymedia that indicated the "anarchists" were going to use a flag to spark a violent incident. None of this has been substantiaed with any tangile evidence and it is oiur contention that was an an attempt by the local authorities to try and shut down the Rally and Free speech. Three people were arrested and are currently facing charges. The Rally did continue and the protest proceeded to the Federal Building in Downtown Seattle.
Portlands Indy media also reported a similar but much more serious incident of Police attacking the peaceful protesters. See those story links below
O5: World Still Waiting
October 5th, the pig riot
SJTV was on the scene when Seattle Police instigated an incident with a group of self described anarchists youth. The Police claim they had intercepted intelligence on Seattle indymedia that indicated the "anarchists" were going to use a flag to spark a violent incident. None of this has been substantiaed with any tangile evidence and it is oiur contention that was an an attempt by the local authorities to try and shut down the Rally and Free speech. Three people were arrested and are currently facing charges. The Rally did continue and the protest proceeded to the Federal Building in Downtown Seattle.
Portlands Indy media also reported a similar but much more serious incident of Police attacking the peaceful protesters. See those story links below
O5: World Still Waiting
October 5th, the pig riot
Monday, October 02, 2006
October 5th , 2006 Edition of SJTV
On this weeks edition of SJTV will be airing a speech by Carl Mayer, renowned corporate civil rights lawyer, author, activist, and former campaign manager for Ralph Nader as he speaks about ending corporate rule over democracy.
The speaking event was hosted by Revernd Rich Lang of Trinity United Church in Ballard Trinity United Church, 6512 23rd Ave. N.W., 206-368-9090 www.tumseattle.org and sponsored by Alliance ForDemocracy www.sounddemocracy.org. THE ALLIANCE is part of a new non-partisan Populist movement --- not a political party --- setting forth to end the domination of our economy, our government, our culture, our media and the environment by large corporations.
The Producers of SJTV encourage you to invesigate and research the issues of corporate personhood and become involed in the fight to take back our country from corporate domination and corruption of our political process and values.
check out David Korten's - When Corporations Rule The World
The speaking event was hosted by Revernd Rich Lang of Trinity United Church in Ballard Trinity United Church, 6512 23rd Ave. N.W., 206-368-9090 www.tumseattle.org and sponsored by Alliance ForDemocracy www.sounddemocracy.org. THE ALLIANCE is part of a new non-partisan Populist movement --- not a political party --- setting forth to end the domination of our economy, our government, our culture, our media and the environment by large corporations.
The Producers of SJTV encourage you to invesigate and research the issues of corporate personhood and become involed in the fight to take back our country from corporate domination and corruption of our political process and values.
check out David Korten's - When Corporations Rule The World
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sept 28th, 2006 - 911 Truth
On tonights show we will be airing "911 Truth" as presented by Webster Tarpely, author of "Synthetic Terror" www.tarpley.net/
We taped Webster Tarpley's lecture at the University of Washington HUB Auditorium building during his last visist to Seattle in March of 2006. Tarpely breaks down the various theories of 911 from LIPHOP (Let It Happen on Purpose ) to MIHOP (Made It Happen on Purpose) as well as the players, dupes, patsies and agents. He reveals astonishing information not known to many about how September 11th, 2001 was the "Day of Drills" in which the U.S. Governmnent conducted dozens of drills that paralelled and the events of that fateful day.
He offers up credible documentation and information during the presentation and in his book and in the end challenges you the viewer to take his information and investigate it for yourself.
He also believes that the truth about what happened on September 11th is the single most important issue today that can unify the polarized masses on both the left and right of the political spectrum because 911 Truth is a ground where we can all meet in search of answers and the truth and perhaps realize we have all been duped by our government but also that we have far more in common than we realize.
We taped Webster Tarpley's lecture at the University of Washington HUB Auditorium building during his last visist to Seattle in March of 2006. Tarpely breaks down the various theories of 911 from LIPHOP (Let It Happen on Purpose ) to MIHOP (Made It Happen on Purpose) as well as the players, dupes, patsies and agents. He reveals astonishing information not known to many about how September 11th, 2001 was the "Day of Drills" in which the U.S. Governmnent conducted dozens of drills that paralelled and the events of that fateful day.
He offers up credible documentation and information during the presentation and in his book and in the end challenges you the viewer to take his information and investigate it for yourself.
He also believes that the truth about what happened on September 11th is the single most important issue today that can unify the polarized masses on both the left and right of the political spectrum because 911 Truth is a ground where we can all meet in search of answers and the truth and perhaps realize we have all been duped by our government but also that we have far more in common than we realize.
Monday, September 18, 2006
September 21st Edition of SJTV will Feature Arundhati Roy
In this upcoming edition of SJTV we will be featuring the historical speech given by Arundhati Roy at Riverside Church in Harlem , NY in May 2003. Video Provided Courtesy of Democracynow.org.
The title of the speech is "Instant Mix Imperial Democracy- Buy One Get One Free" and is as inspirational and relevant now as it was back in 2003. Also included is a brief conversation between Arundhati Roy and famed author and historian Howard Zinn.
The title of the speech is "Instant Mix Imperial Democracy- Buy One Get One Free" and is as inspirational and relevant now as it was back in 2003. Also included is a brief conversation between Arundhati Roy and famed author and historian Howard Zinn.
September 14th Starts the New Season of Social Justice Television
Social Justice Television is back after Summer Break with a new season of News, Information and Stories. Our new timeslot is Thursday 10-11 p.m on SCANTV Channel 77/29 and streaming live @ www.scantv.org.
We kicked off the new season with a video compilation speakers forum starting off with Marine Corporal Grant Collins giving very moving testimony about his time in Iraq and why he feels it is now his duty to speak out against the War in Iraq. This video segment also available at Truthout.org
Next we hear from former Weapons Insoector Scott Riiter at his last speech at Town Hall Seattle.
Then wrapping things up we hear from Bush Crimes Commission Members retired Colonel Anne Wright and Larry Everest, author of Oil, Power and Empire.
As soon as the SCAN Studios are fully renovated we will resume production of our featured activist spotlight where we interview local activists about issues important to the community.
We kicked off the new season with a video compilation speakers forum starting off with Marine Corporal Grant Collins giving very moving testimony about his time in Iraq and why he feels it is now his duty to speak out against the War in Iraq. This video segment also available at Truthout.org
Next we hear from former Weapons Insoector Scott Riiter at his last speech at Town Hall Seattle.
Then wrapping things up we hear from Bush Crimes Commission Members retired Colonel Anne Wright and Larry Everest, author of Oil, Power and Empire.
As soon as the SCAN Studios are fully renovated we will resume production of our featured activist spotlight where we interview local activists about issues important to the community.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
June 30th Edition of SJTV
On this weeks edition of Social Justice Televsion we will be broadcasting the full interview we recently had with Lt. Ehran Watada in Seattle followed by a brief talk with his father Bob Watada. Before that we will give a few moments of the show to a talk with independent Congressional Candidate Jed Whittaker in Olympia, Washington.
Lt. Watada has publicly stated his belief that the Iraq war is illegal based on US and international law, and that he has an obligation to his unit and his country to refuse to participate. He is currently confined to base and awaits the Army's action as to his fate.
Now is the time to give him and all other Courageous resisters your support. Here is a link to information about other resisters.
For information about Lt. Ehran Watada
Go to http://www.thankyoult.org/ for more details and an updated list of cities holding support activities.
Lt. Watada has publicly stated his belief that the Iraq war is illegal based on US and international law, and that he has an obligation to his unit and his country to refuse to participate. He is currently confined to base and awaits the Army's action as to his fate.
Now is the time to give him and all other Courageous resisters your support. Here is a link to information about other resisters.
For information about Lt. Ehran Watada
Go to http://www.thankyoult.org/ for more details and an updated list of cities holding support activities.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
June 23 Edition of SJTV
While Scan TV studios are under renovation we have been showing the best of the last five seasons of SJTV. Last week and this week we are airing new shows for you. Last week we showed Part 1 of Cover Up:Behind the Iran Contra Affair. Even though this documents the second term of the Reagan Administration I tink you will find shocking similarities between what that administration was dong then and what the Bush Administration is doing now.
On this week's edition of SJTV we will show five minutes of an interview I had with courageous resister Lt. Ehtan Watada. He is the first commissioned officer to refuse orders to deploy to Iraq on the grounds that it is an illegal war. We will have the full interview on next weeks ( JUne 30th) show.
Then for the second segment of this weeks show we will be showing Part 2 of Cover Up Behind: the Iran contra Scandal. This documents the shameless and unlawful activities of the Reagan administration in funneling money from sales of Arms to the Iranians to fund a brutal and illegal covert war in Nicaragua. This exposes the the rise and first appearance of a National Security State run by a a small number of people whom some call a shadow government. It shows how they manipulated and perverted various offices of government for personal gain and to accompish their own personal political agendas much in the same way the current Bush administration is now, giving unparalleled access to large corporate cronies to reallocate taxpayer into corporate coffers.
On this week's edition of SJTV we will show five minutes of an interview I had with courageous resister Lt. Ehtan Watada. He is the first commissioned officer to refuse orders to deploy to Iraq on the grounds that it is an illegal war. We will have the full interview on next weeks ( JUne 30th) show.
Then for the second segment of this weeks show we will be showing Part 2 of Cover Up Behind: the Iran contra Scandal. This documents the shameless and unlawful activities of the Reagan administration in funneling money from sales of Arms to the Iranians to fund a brutal and illegal covert war in Nicaragua. This exposes the the rise and first appearance of a National Security State run by a a small number of people whom some call a shadow government. It shows how they manipulated and perverted various offices of government for personal gain and to accompish their own personal political agendas much in the same way the current Bush administration is now, giving unparalleled access to large corporate cronies to reallocate taxpayer into corporate coffers.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
SJTV Guests for Friday April 14th are Alliance for Democracy
This week SJTV is pleased to be speaking with members of a new nationwide grassroots organization called Alliance for Democracy whose stated goal is to end Corporate Domination of our economy, our government, our culture, our media and the environment. One of their stated Political Party Platforms is to Abolish Corporate Personhood.
We at SJTV feel this is a key battle that can and must be fought and won by ordinary citizens and affects all sectors of society and is one of the most insidious social ills of modern society in the USA and abroad. If we are ever to reclaim our democracy we must purge our political and social institutions of corporate control and influence and put corporations back in their rightful which is to serve the people and not the reverse. People over profit must come first. For more information check out their website
We at SJTV feel this is a key battle that can and must be fought and won by ordinary citizens and affects all sectors of society and is one of the most insidious social ills of modern society in the USA and abroad. If we are ever to reclaim our democracy we must purge our political and social institutions of corporate control and influence and put corporations back in their rightful which is to serve the people and not the reverse. People over profit must come first. For more information check out their website
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Where is the righteous outrage? A Rant from Duncan
Where is the righteous outrage at the Cheney Regime? The indignation at the lies & crimes?
How many Afghani civilians have been killed or maimed. Afghanistan is forgotten, the Cheney Regime gets a pass.
They lied about WMD, invaded Iraq a country that had done nothing to Americans and killed at least 100,000 innocent civilians in the process. They get a pass. Solid facts proved that they were planning the Iraq invasion BEFORE 9/11. They get a pass. They illegally torture and murder prisoners (82 documented murders so far), they get a pass. They rig elections. They get a pass. Check out Prof Mark Crispin Miller's book "Fooled Again".
They stall investigations into what really happened on 9/11 and then put out the 9/11 commission's whitewash report that ignores critical facts. They get a pass.
They have government agencies manufacturing news. They get caught having journalists on the payroll reporting fake news & propaganda. They get a pass. They cut veterans benefits and combat duty pay for the soldiers that they sent to invade Iraq. They get a pass.
They allow hurricane Katrina to kill and devastate thousands, as many as 2000 people still missing, just in Louisiana.... nothing more than CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE, they get a pass. They illegally spy on American citizens, like the Quakers, anti-war groups and even the Raging Grannies. They get a pass. Right now Harpers magazine has a cover story that puts forth all the crimes that warrant impeachment.
They hand over the national treasury to their cronies and plunge the country
into extreme debt. Now they are having Halliburton subsidiary KBR build concentration camps on US soil. They still get a pass. Check the press releases on the KBR section of the Halliburton web site where they brag of the $385 million contract from the Dept of Homeland Security.
People just don't seem to grasp the severity of the situation. People go along with all of this and watch the same old TV garbage, thrill in their shopping sprees, get all excited about the Super Bowl or rock concerts and in general act like nothing is going on. People act like "someone" will come along and take care of it all for them. Like it is all just a damn TV show and a happy ending is just guaranteed! A happy ending is not guaranteed! What is it going to take to wake people up? To get people to act, to become furious?
Are people waiting until someone like Tom Brokaw or Ted Koppel makes a formal official announcement on their TV!!!!
"And tonight's news.... the government of the United States has been taken
over by an extremist right-wing faction of the Republican Party by rigging
the elections. Your vote is now near meaningless and you should be prepared for harsh conditions as you are driven to the status of a third world country and a total police state is put into place. Now, here's Biff with the sports and
shopping news."
Do people think fascists will be dressing like the Nazis in WW2 movies?
That "detention camp" info on the Halliburton KBR website, for instance.
What more do people need? EVEN in the barbarism of Nazi Germany there weren't documents that SPELLED OUT EXACTLY what the agenda was. No way. Documents always sounded banal, clinical, professional and LEGAL.
Do people actually expect to see a document that says something like:
KBR will now be building concentration camps to house anyone who dissents
against the illegal wars of aggression that this government is going to
continue. There innocent people will be beaten, starved, tortured, raped and killed with little or no due process of any kind of civilized law.
This week Reagan appointee former Supreme Court judge Sandra Day O'Connor gave a speech warning of the Bush fascist agenda, as have Bill Moyers and even Al Gore in the recent past. This week John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, pretty much announced that they are now going to attack Iran and he used the same silly old WMD spiel to justify it. How many innocent people will be slaughtered there? What will it take to get people up off their butts? Where is the indignation?
Yesterday they launched the largest air assault on Iraq in 3 years. 50 aircraft, 1,500 soldiers attacked targets north of Baghdad. Probably THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT IRAQIS WERE SLAUGHTERED AND MAIMED. They don't keep body counts of Iraqis and they don't allow Americans to see reports of the returning coffins of their own American dead. Where is the outrage?
A nation cannot perpetrate these crimes & atrocities without destroying itself. These creeps are fundamentally changing the actual structure and law of the country. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are being shredded and they have just begun. In their own words, "This war will go on for generations. Forever." That is straight out of the ultimate horror story, Orwell's "1984". If you've never read it. Read it. Think of the billions of dollars they're squandering. The misery forced upon millions of people. Think of your children's future. Do you want to see them in the military over in the mid-east or Korea or maybe China?
Year 4 of the occupation of Iraq begins this weekend. There will be mass demonstrations across the nation on this anniversary of the barbaric "shock & awe" attacks. In Seattle there will be a rally and march at the federal building tomorrow at 1 PM. In Tacoma on Sunday there will be a rally & march at 1:30 PM at People's Park. You are all invited to do your civic duty.
What's the point in demonstrating many ask? They ignore us. They do what they want anyway. Well, during the Vietnam war there was the massive march on Washington.
What people didn't know at the time was this. Right before the march on Washington Kissinger Nixon and the rest were in the planning stage to actually drop NUCLEAR BOMBS on North Vietnam!!! Because of the demonstrations they decided against it. They also decided that they would have to get out of Vietnam. They could see that the country was against them and so to try and keep their political power... they began planning ending that war.
No one knew this at the time, of course. As Gandhi said, "What you do may seem insignificant but it must be done."
No one knows what might happen but it is certain what doing nothing will accomplish.
Has this country been turned into a nation of "good Germans" who "just don't know" or care? Friends, democracy is not a spectator sport. See you in the streets.
Friday, March 03, 2006
This Evenings Show Friday March 3rd, 2006
On this Week's show we will be focusing our attention on the plight of the people of the City of New Orleans who six months after the the largest disaster in US History are still struggling to reclaim their lives. Tonights video "Katrina Stories" is testimony by Curtis Mohamed and Dyan French Cole also known as "Mama D" and was taped and produced by SJTV media activists.
Momma’s Mission - Sep. 18, 2005

Mama D in New Orleans
Friends and Family of Louisianas Incarcerated Children
Want to hookup with a group organizing missions to New Orleans?
Recognizing our responsibility to aid in the recovery process resulting from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, we unite under a common cause, bringing together our resources to rebuild physical and emotional destruction, restore financial independence, and reclaim the legal rights of hurricane survivors.
Katrina Information Network with lots of good links, video and toolkits to get involved
Links to other Orgs that are leading the rebuilding of New Orleans:
News Orleans Independent Media Center
Links to other New Orleans Stories:
New Orleans Activists Fill Aid Gaps Left by FEMA, Red Cross. by Jessica Azulay
Were the levees bombed in New Orleans? Ninth Ward residents give voice to a conspiracy theory.
(warning story contains dismissive right wing media spin but has good video testimony)
http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10370145/ (requires use of microsoft internet explorer to view the video because they are monopolistic pigs)
Momma’s Mission - Sep. 18, 2005

Mama D in New Orleans
Friends and Family of Louisianas Incarcerated Children
Want to hookup with a group organizing missions to New Orleans?
Recognizing our responsibility to aid in the recovery process resulting from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, we unite under a common cause, bringing together our resources to rebuild physical and emotional destruction, restore financial independence, and reclaim the legal rights of hurricane survivors.
Katrina Information Network with lots of good links, video and toolkits to get involved
Links to other Orgs that are leading the rebuilding of New Orleans:
- http:/leftturn.org
News Orleans Independent Media Center
Links to other New Orleans Stories:
New Orleans Activists Fill Aid Gaps Left by FEMA, Red Cross. by Jessica Azulay
Were the levees bombed in New Orleans? Ninth Ward residents give voice to a conspiracy theory.
(warning story contains dismissive right wing media spin but has good video testimony)
http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10370145/ (requires use of microsoft internet explorer to view the video because they are monopolistic pigs)
Friday, February 24, 2006
This Evenings Show February 24th 2006
We Will be discussing the documentary Bring Down A Dictator and recent relevations of Plans by the US Government's creation of Detention Camps for civilians. Is the governmentn gearing up to intern Arabs abnd Musilms and anyone else who voices dissent against current policies of the Bush Administration? Are we heading toward a Fascist State.
Link to US Army Document Outlining establishment of Civilian Detention Camps
The following is an excerpt from a story titled Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'By Nat
Parry, Consortium News posted on Alternet.org http://www.alternet.org/story/32647/
In a very chilling statement during recent congressional testimony Sen. Lindsey Graham
suggested to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a new target for the administration's
domestic operations could be Fifth Columnists, supposedly disloyal Americans who sympathize
and collaborate with the enemy.
"The administration has not only the right, but the duty, in my opinion, to pursue Fifth
Column movements," Graham, R-S.C., told Gonzales during Senate Judiciary Committeehearings on Feb. 6.
"I stand by this president's ability, inherent to being commander in chief, to find out
about Fifth Column movements, and I don't think you need a warrant to do that," Graham
added, volunteering to work with the administration to draft guidelines for how best to neutralize this alleged threat.
This occurs against the backdrop of a January award by the Army Corps of Engineers giving
Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root a $385 million contract to construct detention
centers somewhere in the United States, to deal with "an emergency influx of immigrants into
the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs," KBR said.
Later, the New York Times reported that "KBR would build the centers for the Homeland
Security Department for an unexpected influx of immigrants, to house people in the event of
a natural disaster or for new programs that require additional detention space."
Like most news stories on the KBR contract, the Times focused on concerns about
Halliburton's reputation for bilking U.S. taxpayers by overcharging for sub-par services.
Less attention centered on the phrase "rapid development of new programs" and what kind of
programs would require a major expansion of detention centers, each capable of holding 5,000
people. Jamie Zuieback, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, declined to
elaborate on what these "new programs" might be.
Only a few independent journalists, such as Peter Dale Scott and Maureen Farrell, have
pursued what the Bush administration might actually be thinking. Scott speculated that the "detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law." He recalled that during the Reagan administration, National Security Council aide Oliver North organized Rex-84 "readiness exercise," which contemplated the Federal Emergency Management Agency rounding up and detaining 400,000 "refugees," in the event of "uncontrolled population movements" over the Mexican border into the United States.
Farrell pointed out that because "another terror attack is all but certain, it seems far
more likely that the centers would be used for post-911-type detentions of immigrants rather
than a sudden deluge" of immigrants flooding across the border.
KBR contract's contemplation of "rapid development of new programs" hasraised eyebrows about why this sudden need for urgency. These developments also are drawing more attention now because of earlier Bush administration policies to involve the Pentagon in "counter-terrorism" operations inside the United States.
Despite the Posse Comitatus Act's prohibitions against U.S. militarypersonnel engaging in domestic law enforcement, the Pentagon has expanded its operations beyond previous boundaries, such as its role in domestic surveillance activities.
The Washington Post has reported that since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror
attacks, the Defense Department has been creating new agencies that gather and analyze
intelligence within the United States.
The White House also is moving to expand the power of the Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), created three years ago to consolidate counterintelligence operations. The White House proposal would transform CIFA into an office that has authority to investigate crimes such as treason, terrorist sabotage or economic espionage.
Link to US Army Document Outlining establishment of Civilian Detention Camps
And now straight from the horse's mouth:
The following is an excerpt from a story titled Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'By Nat
Parry, Consortium News posted on Alternet.org http://www.alternet.org/story/32647/
In a very chilling statement during recent congressional testimony Sen. Lindsey Graham
suggested to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a new target for the administration's
domestic operations could be Fifth Columnists, supposedly disloyal Americans who sympathize
and collaborate with the enemy.
"The administration has not only the right, but the duty, in my opinion, to pursue Fifth
Column movements," Graham, R-S.C., told Gonzales during Senate Judiciary Committeehearings on Feb. 6.
"I stand by this president's ability, inherent to being commander in chief, to find out
about Fifth Column movements, and I don't think you need a warrant to do that," Graham
added, volunteering to work with the administration to draft guidelines for how best to neutralize this alleged threat.
This occurs against the backdrop of a January award by the Army Corps of Engineers giving
Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root a $385 million contract to construct detention
centers somewhere in the United States, to deal with "an emergency influx of immigrants into
the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs," KBR said.
Later, the New York Times reported that "KBR would build the centers for the Homeland
Security Department for an unexpected influx of immigrants, to house people in the event of
a natural disaster or for new programs that require additional detention space."
Like most news stories on the KBR contract, the Times focused on concerns about
Halliburton's reputation for bilking U.S. taxpayers by overcharging for sub-par services.
Less attention centered on the phrase "rapid development of new programs" and what kind of
programs would require a major expansion of detention centers, each capable of holding 5,000
people. Jamie Zuieback, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, declined to
elaborate on what these "new programs" might be.
Only a few independent journalists, such as Peter Dale Scott and Maureen Farrell, have
pursued what the Bush administration might actually be thinking. Scott speculated that the "detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law." He recalled that during the Reagan administration, National Security Council aide Oliver North organized Rex-84 "readiness exercise," which contemplated the Federal Emergency Management Agency rounding up and detaining 400,000 "refugees," in the event of "uncontrolled population movements" over the Mexican border into the United States.
Farrell pointed out that because "another terror attack is all but certain, it seems far
more likely that the centers would be used for post-911-type detentions of immigrants rather
than a sudden deluge" of immigrants flooding across the border.
KBR contract's contemplation of "rapid development of new programs" hasraised eyebrows about why this sudden need for urgency. These developments also are drawing more attention now because of earlier Bush administration policies to involve the Pentagon in "counter-terrorism" operations inside the United States.
Despite the Posse Comitatus Act's prohibitions against U.S. militarypersonnel engaging in domestic law enforcement, the Pentagon has expanded its operations beyond previous boundaries, such as its role in domestic surveillance activities.
The Washington Post has reported that since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror
attacks, the Defense Department has been creating new agencies that gather and analyze
intelligence within the United States.
The White House also is moving to expand the power of the Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), created three years ago to consolidate counterintelligence operations. The White House proposal would transform CIFA into an office that has authority to investigate crimes such as treason, terrorist sabotage or economic espionage.
Friday, January 27, 2006
SJTV Guests for January 27, 2006
Is the Government Waging a War on Immigrants?
We will be speaking with representatives from the Arab American Community Coalition (A.A.C.C.) about two local families facing deportation to countries where they face possible persecution, torture and death.
Case#1: The Malkandi Family
A Family’s Predicament: Sixteen years ago, Sam Malkandi misled United Nations authorities to obtain refugee status to save his 1-year old daughter after living in grave danger in Iran for several years, and before in Iraq. And when U.S. government officials asked him if he’d like to come to the United States, he accepted their offer and didn’t tell them about his untruths. Now his wife and children are paying the price! Not only does the U.S. want to deport Sam, his wife Mali, and their two children Nicole and Arvin, they want to separate the family. Sam is an Iraqi Kurd. Mali is from Iran. And the two children have no citizenship anywhere in the world. They have no right to be together if they are deported, and no country has said that it will take them all.
Religious Persecution: Sam, Mali, Nicole and Arvin converted to Christianity from Islam and regularly attend church. But as converts from Islam, the Malkandis can be considered guilty of apost asy, an offense that can be punished by death. Even if no one is sent to Iran, the family will most likely be persecuted as apostates in any Muslim majority country
Case #2: Majid al-Massari
In July 2004, Majid al-Massari was secretly arrested in Seattle by the FBI and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) for alleged terrorism activity. He was held incommunicado for eleven days, prevented from contacting his concerned colleagues at work, his frantic family, or his attorney. Only after the story of his arrest was leaked to the media did his whereabouts become known.
The government charge: ‘deportable’ because of an "aggravated felony" drug purchase, later acknowledged to be a mistake. Despite this Majid is still in detention!
Majid’s father, well-known Saudi opposition leader Muhammad al-Massari, was repeatedly arrested and tortured in the early 90’s by the Saudi government. Following his father’s escape in 1994 Majid’s uncles, and young brother were arrested, tortured, and held without charges for a year. Majids family and friends strongly believe he is being used as a pawn by both the U.S. and Saudi governments as a means to get to his father.
To learn more about these cases you can sign up on the email list by emailing info@theaacc.org or contact Ibrahim al-Husseini ibrahimal@yahoo.com . or call Phone numer (206) 634-9001.
We will be speaking with representatives from the Arab American Community Coalition (A.A.C.C.) about two local families facing deportation to countries where they face possible persecution, torture and death.
Case#1: The Malkandi Family
A Family’s Predicament: Sixteen years ago, Sam Malkandi misled United Nations authorities to obtain refugee status to save his 1-year old daughter after living in grave danger in Iran for several years, and before in Iraq. And when U.S. government officials asked him if he’d like to come to the United States, he accepted their offer and didn’t tell them about his untruths. Now his wife and children are paying the price! Not only does the U.S. want to deport Sam, his wife Mali, and their two children Nicole and Arvin, they want to separate the family. Sam is an Iraqi Kurd. Mali is from Iran. And the two children have no citizenship anywhere in the world. They have no right to be together if they are deported, and no country has said that it will take them all.
Religious Persecution: Sam, Mali, Nicole and Arvin converted to Christianity from Islam and regularly attend church. But as converts from Islam, the Malkandis can be considered guilty of apost asy, an offense that can be punished by death. Even if no one is sent to Iran, the family will most likely be persecuted as apostates in any Muslim majority country
Case #2: Majid al-Massari
In July 2004, Majid al-Massari was secretly arrested in Seattle by the FBI and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) for alleged terrorism activity. He was held incommunicado for eleven days, prevented from contacting his concerned colleagues at work, his frantic family, or his attorney. Only after the story of his arrest was leaked to the media did his whereabouts become known.
The government charge: ‘deportable’ because of an "aggravated felony" drug purchase, later acknowledged to be a mistake. Despite this Majid is still in detention!
Majid’s father, well-known Saudi opposition leader Muhammad al-Massari, was repeatedly arrested and tortured in the early 90’s by the Saudi government. Following his father’s escape in 1994 Majid’s uncles, and young brother were arrested, tortured, and held without charges for a year. Majids family and friends strongly believe he is being used as a pawn by both the U.S. and Saudi governments as a means to get to his father.
To learn more about these cases you can sign up on the email list by emailing info@theaacc.org or contact Ibrahim al-Husseini ibrahimal@yahoo.com . or call Phone numer (206) 634-9001.
For those who don't get cable TV or live in Seattle you can view the show over the
internet via live streaming media from the Scan TV website http://www.scantv.org/
or try our alternate link
show starts @ 8:00 pm PST/11:00 pm EST/.
Friday, January 20, 2006
SJTV Guests for January 20, 2006
Tonights Guest: Maggie Lawless from World Can’t Wait.org
Live Call in Show (Studio Line 206 421-5004) will focus on the following questions:
Do you think the USA is heading toward a fascist state? If so what are
you prepared to do to stop it? if not what proof do you need before you
act if at all? how far would you go?
If you lived in Pre- WWII Germany and saw the signs of the rise of a
fascist state would you sacrifice yourself and your personal lifestyle to stop it and save
countless lives?
Guest info: 206 312-7398
national office # 1-866-973-4463
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