Thursday, October 19, 2006

October 12th, 2006 Edition of SJTV

On This weeks episode we document the local World Can't Wait Protest at Seattle's Cal Anderson Park which was part of a larger nationwide series of protests that occured in over 235 cities.

SJTV was on the scene when Seattle Police instigated an incident with a group of self described anarchists youth. The Police claim they had intercepted intelligence on Seattle indymedia that indicated the "anarchists" were going to use a flag to spark a violent incident. None of this has been substantiaed with any tangile evidence and it is oiur contention that was an an attempt by the local authorities to try and shut down the Rally and Free speech. Three people were arrested and are currently facing charges. The Rally did continue and the protest proceeded to the Federal Building in Downtown Seattle.

Portlands Indy media also reported a similar but much more serious incident of Police attacking the peaceful protesters. See those story links below

O5: World Still Waiting

October 5th, the pig riot

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